Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Week 9 - Thing 21

I looked at some of the directories to find podcasts, espcecially the Merlin learning link, and added it to my bloglines account. It's interesting to see how libraries are using podcasts for things like booktalks, storytimes, and on their websites. The use of podcasts for training purposes with in libraries is a given. We have used them continually as we completed 23 Things.

Week 9 - Thing 20

I enjoyed looking around the YouTube site. I watched one that had a tour of the Seattle Public Library. Very interesting.Having gotten another chocolate lab for a Christmas present from my kids, I especially liked looking at all the different puppy videos. Hope you enjoy it also.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Week 8 - Thing 19

Exploring the "short list" of Web 2.0 winners was interesting. Some of the sites we have visited throughout "23 Things" were first place winners, such as Flickr and Rollyo. I intend to use farecast.com to plan my next vacation.

Week 8 - Thing 18

I created an account in ZOHO Writer and and explored some of the other sites. I can see how these online productivity tools will be beneficial to many different segments of the population such as small businesses and college students.I'm trying to publish this to my blog. Let's hope this works!!!!

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Week 7 Thing 17

I explored the Maryland Libraries Sandbox site, created an account, and added my blog to the Favorites list. I enjoyed looking around at the different wiki pages.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Week 7 - Thing 16

I'm familiar with Wiki's since our library system has been using them for several years. We use it for team reports, the Pipeline, and job descriptions. I like using Wikipedia, although you have to be careful since anyone can edit it. Libraries can use wikis for book clubs, as a community information wiki or to promote a specific event.

Week 6 Thing 15

After watching the YouTube video by Michael Wesch and reading "Away from icebergs", I have a better understanding of what Library 2.0 is all about. There have been so many changes in libraries in the last ten years, but I'm sure it doesn't compare with what it on the horizon.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Week 6 - Thing 14

I explored Technorati, which is a search tool for blogs. I did the different searches (favorite blogs, posts, and tags) and got different results for each. Since I'm new to blogging, I'm not sure how much I would use this site. Hopefully, when time allows, I will come back to explore this site further.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Week 6 - Thing 13

After viewing the podcast and exploring PLCMCL account, I can see the possibilities for Del.icio.us. It would be great for students doing research or anyone wanting to have access to their bookmarks from any computer

Week 5 - Thing 12

I played around with Rollyo and created an account. I'm not sure I will ever use it again although I can see where some people would find it interesting. Just didn't do anything for me.

Friday, July 6, 2007

Week 5 - Thing 11

I explored Library Thing, created an account, and so far have add 8 books to my library. This would be a great way to keep track of all the books you read. http://www.librarything.com/catalog.php?view=barbb&shelf=shelf

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Week 5 - Thing 10

I used Yahoo Avatar http://uk.avatars.yahoo.com/ to create my avatar. She is all ready for the 4th of July and so am I.

Week 4 - Thing 9

I previously used the Merlin Website when I was doing the Thomspon Knowledge Netg classes. It has a lot of useful information. I also explored the different search tools for this exercise to find RSS feeds. I liked Feedster and Topox.net